Here is Jim Mee who runs Rat Race. He looks remarkably relaxed with a 1000 lunatics out there. Will he be so relaxed when Soldier Challengers meet the TUC! Sorry, Jim I cant get you the right way up, but will do so later.
Well done Jim and his boys, they did a great job. Lets now look forward to 19 May next year and aim for 2500 runners
Chibber comes fom Minley Manor her team of roughy toughy Engineers were all having a laugh at her expense. Chibber is Amy Pennington and was loving it all although she may not appeciate being on my blog. Certainly not in this form!! And probably not sideways either. I will get you the right way up later, I promise. Its a matter of time before this blog gets me into trouble.
Sarah Cattell, Sarah Challis and Louisa Walker from 252 Signal Squadron in Gloucester all lined for the start. Bags of enthusiasm and its very noisy. Not sure they had much of a plan but they were going to have a good time even if they go all the way by tube! Actually they looked too keen for that. I pity any TUC crowd who meets them. I saw them later and they were going well.
Here is a General and his wife. He was competing. Bloody marvellous! Am I competing? Hmmmm. Great to have a full General taking part but then with a persuasive daughter like Blaire he didn't have much option!!
He later told me that he thought the event was extremely well organised. He probably wont do it next year as he will be in Jersey
He later told me that he thought the event was extremely well organised. He probably wont do it next year as he will be in Jersey
Trooper Shine who is one of our ambassadors who tells me he has a new car(his old one wasn't bad) and offered me the keys. I declined fearful of crashing it. Would maker a good blog though! He is standing with his Commanding Officer Lieutenant Colonel Seb Pollington who is wearing the T shirt for the Triple Challenge event in September which is Oxford and Cambridge Universities bicycling 1000 miles around Britain. More lunatics! Stephen Shine won't be cycling but driving his CO, shame!
Well here we are at Waterloo in a delicious type of organised chaos. There must be about 800 people here and we have 2 hours to go. Great atmosphere and lots and lots of young some knowing what to do and some looking rather dazed. It all looked very good and the branding very pronounced. Many told me that the impact was really strong.
This is Wendy Lynch who used to work for us in the bad old Queens Gate days and has been one of our brilliantly energetic volunteers for the Soldier Challenge. She has been one those enthusiasts that has kept the idea on track. And here we are at the Event Village in the now disused Euro Star terminal on the day before the Challenge so there is a lot going on to get it ready for over a 1000 younguns who will stampede round London. I expect the main problem will be avoiding the TUC march. Can you imagine mixing this lot with them?
A few punters for the Cateran Trail in Scotland on 26 June. 54 miles is a snip they said. It was an interesting evening with many people who came up and took an interest. The flag is a very good way to attract a bit of added interest. We had one really good volunteer in the evening who had been collecting for the charity all day. She had picked up on the web that we were looking for volunteers and has been helping us over four days. She comes all the way from Wood Green at the far endo fthe Piccadilly Line. If we have good people like her we wont go far wrong. She suggested we ask London Transport if they could help charity volunteers with transport costs on the underground. Why not ? It would be the so called Big Society in action.
Robin and Celia Bacon taking it easy after manning our stand at the Ideal Home Show for a few hours. Celia has been up for a whole day previously so well done her. She leaps forward to unsuspecting couples and charms them to sign the flag and then interest is achieved. A small donation follows and then they are in danger of being signed up for a 54 mile walk in 24 hours. I saw one Granny slightly startled at the proposition. Celia is very good at it too. Meanwhile Andy McMenemy has completed his 9th marathon in 9 days.
Meanwhile there was activity at the Ideal Home Show and a couple of very young supporters. I have an idea they are related to someone in the office, do I detect a resemblance?
On the left there is Barry doing the Fleet half Marathon which he broke the existing record of 1 hour 42 mins in a new time of 1 Hour 37 mins. He looks pretty chipper. So he should have no problem in doing the marathon in a few weeks time and smashing another record.. Brilliant.
If that wasnt enough Andy McMenemy was running in Wakefield and Sheffield and he is going well. Since then he has been in Lincoln and Nottingham to day. 7 down and 59 to go. We all salute this amazing attempt and when you put all these things together there is an enormous amount of visibility going on for the charity. I have to confess that I did not run or anything over the weekend.
The County Chairmen of the South East seemed reasonably happy over matters and I survived a potential mauling. This shot shows the team after a gruelling meeting looking pretty happy in the garden of the Deputy Constable of Dover Castle. The County Chairman of these counties have raised £360k in this year, a stupendous amount!! I think they deserved a break in a lovely garden. We were hosted by Jill and Simon Wolsey who are both in the piccy. We value these links with Regional Commanders as they encourage us in our work. It was a lovely afternoon and now a rush to get back for a brief on Soldier Challenge who have reached capacity at 1036 bookings. More about this at the weekend.
Busy day on the seaside playing sandcastles? But in fact this is the venue for the Regional Planning meeting with the Chairman from Surrey,Sussex, Kent. In the foreground is Shannon Lloyd who is the new Regional Director for Surrey and West Sussex. She thought the caption should read "Me and my NEW home". So now off to meeting and I will let you know how we get on. I seldom get away unscathed!!!