Well after the presentations we all went next door to the Italian Restaurant La Scalza for a party to which I invited anybody in the charity or who had been so in my time. And of course all the eyebrows came too.! Here is a sample with The Arch Eyebrow!! We didn't finish there till about 6.30 but then my time sense got a bit hazy and I forgot I had got Celia to pick me up in Swindon at 7.15. Didn't go down very well but was forgiven when I got there at 10.15!! It was a very jolly evening and a good way to finish. This will be one of my last blogs as I will not continue once I have left on Monday. Mr Stitch may take it up in September.
This is supposed to be Mr Stitch who seems to have found a place in the heart of my team. So Kirsty, the Arch Baker cooked this little cake for my farewell party. Actually rather to her irritation I bumped into her at Oxford Street tube a few hours earlier, her clutching the cake precariously. I ask "oh what the dickens have you got there?" Kirsty clearly thinks "are you that stupid?" but doesnt say it.
Anyway later in the day before the party I spotted Henni wearing a tweed cap and these enormous cotton wool eyebrows(and there she is in the picture) so I said "good heavens!" and thought how odd they are all dressing up as rabbits or something and only when I saw another pair of these eyebrows did I twig that they were taking MY eyebrows. Oh well why not?