Just been to Earls Court where things are getting organised for next week's British Military Tournament. Here are some of us beside a Chinook Helicopter. The amount of military kit here is amazing. From Right: Brian Kettle, Sophie Lindsay, little old me and Anna Short, whom, is so efficient she is called the "General", so that makes two of us!!
Went to a Variety Club Dinner last night and met Esther Ranson who is a founder of Child Line. She is a great lady and most entertaining. She spoke extremely well and moved us all when she spoke about the cases which Child Line to day. She mentioned there were a number of Army children that ring the help line. Variety Club is a wonderful charity who support all children who are at risk. The Army helps find opportunities for them to visit and the occasion last night was their opportunity to thank the three Services for what they do.
The best news came this weekend with the news that Sir Alex Ferguson having held in July a Golf Classic at the Belfry Club in Staffordshire to raise money for The Soldiers’ Charity, he gave to Richard Hackett our Regional Fundraiser, a massive cheque for £100,000. This is fantastic news and given us all a boost as much for the name as the amount of his generous donation via his family trust, The Elizabeth Hardie Ferguson Charitable Trust Fund. Photo shows Richard on the left of Sir Alex with Paul Hardman the treasurer of the family trust. Sir Alex said: W “We should be playing tribute to the job the soldiers do and the sacrifices they make in a big way and hopefully this donation will make a big impact.”b
Graham Jones has just retired from being the Director of Music of the Coldstream Guards and he held a concert in the Cadogan Hall this evening. It was a splendid show even if I had to listen to the long orchestral version of the Coldstream quick march. It went on for ages but it kept most of the audience happy. Graham has been a good friend of the charity's and we wish him every good fortune for the future. The most amazing bit was the appearance of the Swiss Army Drummers. They were sensational.
Since Wednesday the Ideal Home Show has been taking place. ABF The Soldiers' Charity is the benefiting charity so well done and thanks to Media 10. We had the launch on Wednesday and we had the Band of the Grenadier Guards. Only problem was the celeb in his welcoming speech called them the Coldstream Band. I nearly expired and had to explain to the crowd who it really was and that they were the Queen's personal iPod. In the photo we have two of our loyal supporters,Alice and John Mills, who were doing great work on Friday when I blew in. Thank you to all our volunteers who do so much for the charity.