This is a picture of Andy Reid, on the right, before he lost his legs and arm. He was a legendary guy then but even more so now as we watch him manage his lifestyle to day. He is beside his mate , Josh Moxon who fought beside him in Helmand but Josh is running for Andy on Sunday at the St Helen's 10k run. This is what it is all about 'comradeship forged on the battlefield' which lasts for ever. I wish them both good luck and particularly for the last mile when Andy will be walking it on his prosthetic legs. Incredible.
Barry Stoddart, the Chief Instructor at the Army School of Physical Training is attempting three world records. Yes three and within 35 days!! Most normal people might dream of attempting one in a lifetime but this guy is greedy and so far he has made one. On 13 Mar he completed a 10km run carrying 40lb!!! He did it in 46mins 6 seconds breaking the existing world record by another lunatic in 2007 by 12 minutes. Makes me feel quite ill thinking about it. The next challenge is on Sunday when he will complete the Fleet half marathon carrying 20 lb. The record for that is 1 hr 42 min 50 second so watch this space. This is all in support of the charity and I am mightily impressed. The third and final challenge is the London Marathon again carrying 20 lb. I am just wondering if I could attempt some world record; any ideas out there? Judging by the piccy Barry is well supported and he looks fresh as a daisy. Well done Barry we are all rooting for you.
This boring looking shot is of the three heads of the single service charities, ourselves, the RAF Benevolent Fund (Sir Rob Wright) and the Royal Naval and Royal Marine Charity(Robert Robson - he's the young good looking one!). By working together we can increase our collective influence and expose inconsistencies across the three Services and there are several. We can help each other too. I am glad to say that we will be working together on the British Military Tournament which will include elements from the Royal Marines and the Royal Air Force.
He was most interested in our stand and spoke to most of us. He was particularly taken by Katie's chairs and decor. He declined my invitation to sit in the chair!! I did try. He was asking about how we would cope with the future with the inevitable fall off after 2015. He said he would like to hear more. Here he is signing our flag.
The Visiting Team at 5hrs 39
Penny and I (like he jacket?) towards end of Andy's first marathon with Rosie Gamble one of the uni students collecting with enthusiasm and charm. Andy was taking it easy and thank goodness for that. Just heard that he is safely back and in good nick. He completed in 6 hrs 36 mins. He has a fantastic reception kissed by 20 girls, cant be bad. Perhaps I should have run after all!!
A few girls to brighten up the day. They are all students reading event management at Leeds uni. All very jolly.
The helium filled balloons were released as Andy started his run. We had a good crowd and thetre aws lots of exposure. Good to see Bombardier Ben Parkinson who was there on the grid with Andy. He told me about his hand bike and he was bewailing the colour purple which doesn't go well with his favourite colour Para red!!
The helium filled balloons were released as Andy started his run. We had a good crowd and thetre aws lots of exposure. Good to see Bombardier Ben Parkinson who was there on the grid with Andy. He told me about his hand bike and he was bewailing the colour purple which doesn't go well with his favourite colour Para red!!
Barry and Andy just before Andy left for his first ultra marathon (50kms) at 1030 this morning. Andy was in great spirits and quietly confident. We had a host of press including Yorkshire TV and BFBS. The Lord Mayor himself a marathon runner was there to see him off. I nearly went off with him but resytrained myself and went for a coffee instead.
Here are some hoods from the Regional Planning Group up at York on 3 Feb. Colonel Nick Millen on the right who is the Gauleiter of Catterick, Jeremy Gaskell who is such a master of fundraising in the North, We shall surely miss him when he goes at the end of the year. Other hoods are Robbie Scott-Bowden the ubiquitous Scotsman and Jim Duffy the Northern briefer who had just picked up the new van. It looks great and he told me that after he had picked it up and he was driving up the A1 he was getting enthusiastic hoots from those overtaking or he may have been overtaking them, I hope not!