Having recovered from Status Quo caught early train to Newcastle for the launch of "Geordie Land to No Man's Land" a charming and interesting diary of a World War I Gunner by the name of George Elder.  George had been working in WH Smith in 1915 when he joined the Territorial Northumbrian Gunners.  He survived the war to return to WH Smiths and ended up working for them for 51 years.  His diaries had been in the family for many years but only recently have they sprung into action to

get them published.  The end result is shown here and the group is at WH Smiths in Northumberland Street in Newcastle where we managed to shift 50 books.  On my right is Claire who has done so much to get this project going and on my left is Viv her mother, a grand daughter of George Elder.  We were joined by Kirsty Irvine from Central Office and her father.  Now on train home which I very nearly missed as I was enjoying my time in "Toon" so much.



There is a general feeling in the office that I have gone to the dogs. Prompted perhaps by the dropping of my BlackBerry in the bath and then losing my pen (which I then found after a general hue and cry). What was I doing with my Blackberry in the bath!! Anyway I really went to the Battersea Dogs Home Gala Ball in the Battersea Evolution Centre, a great venue and a great show. Even rocked to Status Quo. The photo is of Fudge a Battersea Dog, lovely little chap. I don't think he rocked though.

11th HOUR of the 11th DAY

To day I attended with the Western Front Association the ceremony at the Cenotaph which they organise.  I was amazed at the crowds and by the full presence of the Service Chiefs of Staff.  Our party got an astonishing applause which was very moving.  We then went on to the Guards Chapel for a lovely service attended by about 400. It was a privelage to address the congregation and I commend to anybody interested in this period.


Went boxing last night and here you can see me in the red corner fighting for a cash prize for the charity.  Got a black eye and didnt got to work to day.  Noo noo, just kidding it was a black tie I got and I was in the audience!!  It was a boxing match bertween the Stock Exchange and the Army.  That conjures up a roaringly funny image of fund managers being beaten to death by squaddies but that wasnt true either. Placid Gonzales of St James 's Place organised this evening in the Brewery in the City and its purpose is to raise money for charity including ourselves.


Today I attended the Garden of Remembrance at Westminster Abbey. It was a mild morning so there were many people attending the brief ceremony attended by the Duke of Edinburgh and conducted by the Dean of Westminster and Mrs Sarah Jones , widow of H Jones.  I was able to chat to many from the Regiments and Corps whom we help.  All were appreciative of the good work done here.


To morrow we will all pause for 2 minutes at 11 o clock.  To morrow is also 11 of 11 of 11 of 11 so worth thinking about.  In our hurried life always looking at our e-mails it is a time to reflect and remember those who are no longer with us.  The Cenotaph will be the focus on Sunday when the nation pays homage properly.   It was designed by Sir Edwin Lutyens, and replaced Lutyens' identical wood-and-plaster cenotaph erected in 1919 for the Allied Victory Parade, and is a Grade I listed building.It is undecorated save for a carved wreath on each end and the words "The Glorious Dead", chosen by Rudyard Kipling. It was intended to commemorate specifically the victims of the First World War, but is used to commemorate all of the dead in all wars in which British servicemen have fought. The dates of the First World War and the Second World War are inscribed on it in Roman numerals. The design was used in the construction of many other war memorials throughout the British Empire.


Here is John Jeffcock (ex Coldstream Guards) who has organised a anthology of poems written by soldiers, sailors and airmen in all conflicts from the second World War to Afghanistan. The other person in the picture is Roger Field (ex Blues and Royals) who was one of the contributors and who was the person who organised the deal with the book on sale in the Regions,"Rogue Male". The photo was taken at the book launch where all the contributors were able to meet each other. I met several soldiers who were either serving or recently retired. Poetry is clearly an emotional escape and many I spoke to made this point. The money made from the book comes to the Charity. Thank you John.
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