And so it all came to its eventual conclusion with Andy coming in at 4.15pm as fresh as that proverbial daisy.  He had taken it easy so that all those who ran for one or two circuits could enjoy his amazing company.  Greville Bibby the brigade commander who ran about 6 circuits with him said it was exhausting just talking to this amazing man as he cantered round.  It was lovely to see Andy encouraging several parties of school children who marvelled at his welcome and good humour.  
 I was able to congratulate him personally and I was honoured to do so.  His team of Barry Groves and many others did a brilliant job and keeping the show on the road.  But my prize goes to Sophie the physiotherapist who managed Andy through three quite serious injuries. She is a free lance and I would recommend her to any sportsman who needs a bit of a leg up. No pun intended!

Andy has a most delightful character always looking at the positive side of life.  His determination and complete lack of apparent stress was remarkable.  A careful decompression regime now begins but as this was his 50th Birthday he is allowing himself a glass of shandy.  He may go for a 20 mile stroll to morrow and allow himself an hour lie in.  Amazing and when the book comes out it will be a salutary lesson on how to live our lives.

66 years since charity started
66 ultra marathons
66 cities
66 consecutive days

50 years!!! but with 66 points out of 66.

AND THEY ARE........................OFF

 Here is Andy setting off with about 300 runners from the local area soldiers and the Brigade Commander!! It was a great send off at York Racecourse with lots of supporters , school children, recruiters and goodness knows who else!  Andy gave an Agincourt speech at the beginning and stirred us all.  A really good occasion and well supported by many organisations and sponsors.  I was tempted to run a circuit but I had a pressing engagement with a cup of coffee so demurred. 


Andy McMenemy is one of the most extraordinary people I have ever met. For 65 days he has been running 50 kilometres and here he is in Durham finishing as cool as a cucumber his 64th marathon.  To morrow it will be his 66th and final one thereby achieving his world record.  A truly fantastic story and we are thrilled that he has run in the name of the Soldier's Charity. I sahll be in York for the final run and it seems an age since I saw him set off on his first in Leeds on 16th of March.  Next blog will be on York Racecourse tomorrow.


To day we had the last of our Regional Meetings and this was in London. Pictured are the team who do the business in London and Middlesex. Tim Coles who is the Regional Director, Diana Hart who runs 4 committees in Middlesex and finally Mike Scott who is the Chairman of the London Committee. The backcloth is interesting as it is a picture of a stalking party complete with Garron pony (had to get a horse in somehow!) Painted by Marcus Hodge whose wife is planning a fundraiser in October - Ten for Ten.
Copyright (c) 2010 SIR EVELYN. >