This is where the King's Troop now organise themselves somewhere in SW1 by being based in the very centre of London. This will be standard practice once the Troop leave St John's Wood. How they fit in is amazing. They are getting ready for the State Visit of the President of Turkey, no doubt lots of blarney on Europe and the euro!
This is the team of Chelsea Pensioners who are helping us at the Christmas Ideal Home Show at Earls Court. The show is promoting the Homes for Heroes Appeal which has over 18 months raised £230,000. Despite the name of the Appeal it is for the Soldiers's Charity. We hope this show will add to the pot and get us to £250,000 by Xmas. Visit and come along.
This is Neil Heritage who I saw again this evening at the Row to Recovery Dinner. He is one of the six men who will row the Atlantic, a distance of 3000 miles. So what you may ask? Neil is a double amputee who was part of a Bomb Disposal Team in November 2004 when a suicide bomber blew himself up in Basra, Iraq. He was one of our first beneficiaries aand he helped us in one of our early campaigns. I saw him walk this evening and this time next month he will be half way across the Atlantic. Row to Recovery is raising money for H4H, SSAFA and ABF The Soldiers' Charity; they have raised 1/2 Million already and now their goal is a Million. Watch There will be more about this over the next month. We in the Soldiers' Charity will be rooting for Neil.