My good friend Richard Holmes died in the early hours of Saturday and what a loss it is for us all.  He was a wonderful man and a great historian.  He was a valiant supporter of the charity and a few months ago I worked out on the back of a envelope that he had probably raised through his many speaking engagements for the charity about a quarter of a million pounds. He had fought Lymphoma for two years but in the end it was pneumonia with complications that got him.  I shall  miss him for his wonderful turn of phrase and his amusing quips which always brought a smile or laugh to his audience. He was probably the the finest speaker I have ever met. We  spent many a day together travelling  on  horses in various parts of the world and I never ceased to be impressed by his encyclopaedic knowledge of just about everything historical. He was to accompany us on the Reivers Ride, a fundraiser in July in the Scottish Borders.  This was to be the third of this series of rides following a formula Richard had thought of. We shall surely not be the same happy party as we were.  Good bye old friend and thank you.



simola said...

Encore et al.

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